What your nose says about your personality?

By Qunki Team | lifestyle

What does your nose say about your personality?

1 Big Nose

People with big noses do not like to take orders or work on small tasks. They like the big picture and to work independently. Ego may be a problem for these people.

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Random Joke

A blonde was taking helicopter lessons.

A blonde was taking helicopter lessons.

The instructor said, "I'll radio you every 1000 feet to see how you're doing."

At 1000 feet, the instructor radioed her and said she was doing great.

At 2000 feet, he said she was still doing well.

Right before she got to 3000 feet, the propeller stopped, and she twirled to the ground.

The instructor ran to where she crash landed and pulled her out of the helicopter. "What went wrong?"

The blonde said, "At 2500 feet, I started to get cold, so I turned the big fan off."

2 Small Nose

People with small noses are better in groups, although their temper might lead to frustration. Small nosed people do not shy away from repetitive tasks and are spontaneous with creative imaginations.

3 Long Nose

The longer the nose, the better the sense of business and ambition. There is also independence and excellent leadership skills.

4 Short Nose

Short-nosed people are loyal and empathetic. They are sweet, emotional and kind.

5 Straight Nose

Straight-nosed people are considered to be talented and helpful. These are also known as Greek noses

6 Turned Up Nose

Turned Up Noses show a very positive personality. They are loving, supportive and nurturing.

7 Nubian Nose

Nubian nosed people are innovative thinkers, curious and open-minded. They are expressive but can be overwhelmed with emotion.

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