Circus Lion Lived in a Rusty Pickup Truck for 20 Years. Now Watch When Hes FINALLY Freed!

By Qunki Team | animals and pets

1 Circus stint over

This, a mountain lion who worked in a Peruvian circus for 20 long years, is Mufasa. His life was limited to the back of a rusty, old pickup truck, always tied in chains and the circus performances. Nothing else.

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Once there was a magical mirror

Once there was a magical mirror.

When you told the thruth it gave you things, but if you lie to it, it makes you vanish forever.

One day three college girls went to the mirror.

The red head said "I think I'm the smartest one."

Then she got a diploma, scholarship, and got accepted into all the colleges in the world.

The brunette then said "I think I'm the prettiest one."

Then she got a Corvette, mansion, a good looking boyfriend , and a lot of money.

Then the blonde said " I think...*poof*"

Then she suddenly dissapearred forever

2 Freed after a long wait

Animal Defenders International, an animal rights organization, finally decided to free this mountain lion who had been bounded for two decades. The president of the organization said- “It was indeed very depressing and heartbreaking to see the innocent lion Mufasa to be chained in the circus and instead of living in an open, unending forest, living in a truck”.

3 Worldwide project launched

A worldwide project called “Operation Spirit of Freedom” was launched. Under this, the organization roams all over the world to disband circuses which are illegal. Circus animals were banned in Peru in 2011.

4 Nervous and underweight lion

When ADI finally managed to reach Mufasa, his condition was horrible. His weight was far less than the optimum weight, and he was very nervous, his rescuers say.

5 Back to the forests?


Mufasa is now in Lima, the capital city of Peru, where he is enjoying the much deserved special attention. A representative commented that Mufasa was made to endure the worst life when he was taken away from the wild.


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