10 Sarcastically Funny Quotes

By Qunki Team | funny

Sarcasm is fun, from making a taunt to a sarcastic remark, sarcasm has never failed to make people laugh. We usually use it to make a conversation spicy with a friend or to add a comical flavor to our everyday discussions. Sarcasm may be intelligent and witty. However, it is not widely understood or accepted by the society at large. But still, we have managed to collect 20 sarcastic remarks that will make you smile. Don’t skip the 10th one, its spot on

1 Toothbrush

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Random Joke

old washing machine :

Husband is walking behind his wife and says, "Your bottom is getting so big it looks like an old washing machine."

The woman keeps quiet and keeps walking.

Bedtime comes around, the husband starts getting amorous.

Wife says: "I'm not starting the old washing machine for such a small load. You'll have to do it by hand !"

2 Nintendo

3 50 Shades

4 Party

5 Perfect

6 Two Things

7 Not everyone has good taste

8 You look better

9 You are Lucky

10 I'll be poor

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