23 Worst Texts From Girlfriends That Are Gross Like Hell

By Qunki Team | funny

We all know that feeling of having someone and sending them naughty texts. It is funny and supposed to be innocent in the sense of it's for playing and showing your loved one that you are thinking about them. It can be incredibly fun, but it also does have its risks involved with doing it. But kudos to those couples who enjoy being naughty! But remember the risks? Here are some oopsie and disgusting texts that have gone a bit wrong

1 Cokes ?

funniest girlfriend text fails

Sometimes we just send without proofreading first, and sometimes it can be at the worst of times. Then again, how do you go from books to ......?

Article Continues after the joke

Random Joke

A blond, a brunette, and a redhead were trying out for a new NASA experiment

A blond, a brunette, and a redhead were trying out for a new NASA experiment on sending women to different planets.

First, they called the brunette in and asked her a question.

If you could go to any planet, what planet would you want to go to and why?

After pondering the question she answered, "I would like to go to Mars because it seems so interesting with all the recent news about possible extra terrestrial life on the planet."

They said "well okay, thank you." And told her that they would get back to her.

Next, the redhead entered the room and the NASA people asked her the same question. In reply, "I would like to go to Saturn to see all of its rings." Again, "thank you" and they would get back to her.

Finally, the blond entered the room and they asked her the same question they asked the brunette and the redhead.

She thought for a while and replied, "I would like to go to the sun."

The people from NASA replied, "why, don't you know that if you went to the sun you would burn to death?"

The blond smirked and put her hands on her hips. "Are you guys dumb? I'd go at night!"

2 Panties

funniest girlfriend texts

This girl bought some gorgeous panties, for the wrong guy, but at least she will have fun.

3 Oops

funny boyfriend and girlfriend texts

Sarah may have sent it to wrong person

4 Yeah Right

funny boyfriend girlfriend texts tumblr

Auto correct doesnt work like that sweetie

5 Auto correct win

funny crazy girlfriend texts

So horn3y gourmet apparently seems to work pretty well.

6 S3xting

funny drunk texts to girlfriend

Well, I thought he was funny at least. Sometimes you need a bit of humor.

7 Erm

funny gf bf texts

That went south very quick.

8 Not S3xy

funny girlfriend boyfriend texts

Either he was funny, or he was trying to get rid of her. Would be genius for the latter to happen.

9 Wow, thats wrong

funny gf text fails

This girl, did she really just do this? That is just not cool, everything about it.

10 In trouble

funny girlfriend text fails

A big oops here, but is there going to be horn3yness after this?

This article continues on next page

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