Fun Husband Quotes that all wives must read!

By Qunki Team | funny

Husband and wife as a topic always called for a lot of debate. Some argue whether the role of husband or the role of wife is the more important role in a marriage. In all honesty, in my humble opinion both husband and wife are both equally crucial in making married life a happy environment. Shared here as some of the best quotes, some humorous, some evoking emotion and some too much love struck that describe the husband according to how wives see them!


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Priest and his cock :

A Priest kept chickens at his village. One evening the cock went missing.

At the church mass prayer gathering, the priest asked,

"Who has a cock?"...

All the men got up.

"No, I meant who has seen a cock?"...

All the women got up.

"No, No, Who has seen a cock that isn't their's?"...

Half the women got up.

"Oh, for Heaven's sake, Who has seen my cock?"...

All the nuns got up.










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