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Wife Finds Stranger’s Panties In Her Bedroom. What She Posts On Facebook Has Everyone Laughing!

by Qunki Team | wtf
Home > wtf > Wife Finds Stranger’s Panties In Her Bedroom. What She Posts On Facebook Has Everyone Laughing!

Recently, Corinna discovered a pair of woman’s underpants in her bedroom. The problem lies in the fact that these do not belong to her.


Recently, Corinna discovered a pair of women's underpants in her bedroom. The problem lies in the fact that these do not belong to her.


She posted this comment with the picture of the panties on Facebook in a flea market group.

3 I am sure that many people aren’t able to understand what the text says and so here is the translation


No need to worry I don't yet know who you are nor what your name is. I just found your panties in my bedroom. I hope that you will come by soon to pick them up. I also hope that you preferred my design skills and how I have decorated my bedroom. It would be great if you come personally, since then you might receive a few excellent interior design tips from me as well. I was out for work last time you came so we couldn't meet.

I am sure that you still remember the location of my house ;)


Well, it sucks that the husband cheated on her. But at least, she now has the evidence, and after this text, I am sure that it won't take long to find the woman since she would love to get a few interior design tips from her!

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