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23 Guilty Pets Who Had Absolutely No Idea Youd Be Home So Soon

by Qunki Team | animals and pets
Home > animals and pets > 23 Guilty Pets Who Had Absolutely No Idea Youd Be Home So Soon

If you have a pet in your house, I am sure that you thought at some point of time when you are not at home, what your pet is doing.

Is your pet sleeping, or maybe it's trying to open the fridge and eat whatever it can get? Or maybe it is feeling lonely? However, one thing that we often don't think is that maybe they are just busy tearing up the house. Unless you have CCTV cameras installed, its impossible to know. However, perhaps you can get home early and catch them red handed while they are busy performing their mischievous act!

And if you find that your pet now is showing guilt, that face is the cutest face ever! Take a look at these 23 guilty pets who were stunned when their owners came home early.

1 “Dinner’s on me, Mom.”

2 “I wasn’t grabbing your wallet. I swear.”

3 He’s not even sorry!

4 Looks like someone’s hungry!

5 Are these guys not getting fed?

6 “Come on in…the water’s perfect!”

7 “Ummmmm, it’s not what it looks like.”

8 She’s trying to tell you she needs to use the bathroom.

9 “It’s more comfortable this way!”

10 That looks cozy.

11 *Just act natural.*

12 He looks guilty…but the cat? Yeah, he looks dead.

13 You suuuuure you didn’t get into the lipstick?

14 No, see, it’s supposed to go on your lips…not your paws, silly!

15 “There’s definitely nothing dead buried here.”

16 “What? Stacey said she needs cupcakes for her bake sale!”

17 If you’re innocent, why are you hiding?

18 “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

19 “You know how much I love sashimi, Mom!”

20 “I thought we could use a little green indoors!”

21 “Dad…DAD! Look what I did!”

22 In the end, though, it’s just so hard to stay mad at them!

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