7 Reasons To Stop Or At Least Reduce The Consumption Of Milk
Is milk good for our health? Or we should stop drinking milk? Let's have a look
1 Contents of a glass of cows milk
We all know that cows milk contains vitamins and minerals which are beneficial to your body, but cows milk also contains acidic animal proteins which consist of feces, pus cells and various antibiotics which are harmful to the body.
2 Strange
Did you know that we are the only mammals who drink the milk of another species? We are also the only mammals who drink milk even as adults. But here's something even more strange we were never really designed to digest cow milk.
3 Protein and calcium
Several metabolic imbalances occur because cows milk contains three times more milk than human milk. Also, there is another strange myth going on that since there is 300 mg calcium in cows milk is extremely beneficial for our bones so we should be drinking at least three glasses of cow milk every day. That is not true.
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4 Media Push
The Got Milk? The campaign is advertising that milk has several benefits but research has found out that excessive milk drinking can cause calcium loss in our bones. This is because food which is high in proteins can make the pH more acidic which in turn forces calcium out of our bones, to neutralize that effect. The end product is excreted through urine, but gradually this will cause calcium loss.
5 Pasteurization
The pasteurization process completely gets rid of most vitamins and enzymes which make digesting milk even harder. Moreover, around 75% people worldwide are lactose intolerant. Hence they cannot drink milk.
6 Bovine Growth Hormone
Bovine Growth Hormone is a synthetic hormone known as rBGH which accelerates the insulin release rate in our bodies. This is extremely harmful, and can even cause cancer. Cows, while eating grass, also eat pesticides which are present in the milk we drink. Hence, the adverse effects are passed to us.
7 Pro-Inflammatory
Besides, milk is pro-Inflammatory increase mucus growth, which can give you allergies or severe respiratory diseases or even arthritis. However, these adverse side effects aren't present in fermented dairy products such as yogurt and cheese.
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