Funniest Selfie Backgrounds That Will Make Your Day!

By Qunki Team | wtf

We take selfies regularly to make the record of our beautiful moments. But sometimes we don't take care of the surroundings when we take selfies. But these selfies prove checking surroundings before taking the selfie is an important step.

1 There seems to be a weird sub-genre of selfies where people pretend their significant other crept

Its strange how these people can never avoid mirrors when they do this, though.

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Random Joke

A guy walks into a pub

A guy walks into a pub and sees a sign hanging over the bar that reads:



HAND JOB: $10.00

He walks up to the bar and beckons one of the three exceptionally attractive blondes serving drinks.

Can I help you? she asks.

I was wondering, whispers the man. "Are you the one who gives the hand jobs?"

Yes, she purrs. "I am."

The man replies, "Well, wash your hands. I want a cheeseburger."

2 Im guessing this young lady liked her sunglasses and decided to take a spur of the moment pic,

but she probably should have done something to hide her online shopping first.

3 Was there something you wanted, buddy?

They usually put those mirrors in so you can try your glasses on, but I guess they have other uses.

4 Apparently theres something going on at her midriff. If you can tell what it is, let us know.

If not, theres also some toilet paper in the shot. If you find that surprising, prepare yourself.

5 It appears that this young man wanted to commemorate a classy affair,

but its hard to look dapper next to a cat drinking out of the toilet.

6 Wow, what a daring stunt.

Yeah, if youre wondering why I dont sound that enthused, take a look at the reflection in the plane.

7 Yikes, I dont think thats the kind of photography they had in mind.

Its a good thing they took an overhead shot, or else he might have gotten away with it.

8 So, why didnt she just shut the door?

I cant imagine how she could have missed the girl in the back. She seems to be having a pretty rough time, and its hard to do that quietly.

9 And heres yet another my imaginary spouse is taking pictures of me selfie.

As you can imagine, this inspired a lot of jokes about his hand.

10 Yeah, maybe dont wear your sunglasses if youre pretending youre stuck in traffic.

I dont know if this worked on your boss, but its not fooling those sharp-eyed internet sleuths.

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