Clothing Hacks You Will Wish You Knew Before

By Qunki Team | diy and lifehacks

1 Red Wine Stain

Red wine stains can be extremely hard to clean, but that doesn’t mean you can’t wear them again. Just rub them with club soda, and they will be gone!

Article Continues after the joke

Random Joke

At School

Teacher: whoever answers my next question, can go home.

One boy throws his bag out the window.

Teacher: who just threw that?!

Boy: Me! I’m going home now.

Another one.

The teacher wrote on the blackboard: "I ain't had no fun in months."

Then asked the class, "How should I correct this sentence?"

Little Johnny raised his had and replied, "Get yourself a new boyfriend."

2 Bleach Stains

Bleach stains are quite common on black shirts, but they can be hidden easily using a black sharpie.

3 Neck Measurement

Want to check if the pants you are planning on buying will fit your waist? Just wrap them around your neck and if they fit, they will be perfect for your waist since both are the same size.

4 Old Jeans

You can wear tights under your ripped jeans to provide you with a unique look that no one else has!

5 Pit Stains

Sweat stains can be tricky to remove, but lemon and water sprayed on those stains does the job nicely.

6 Deodorant Stains

Water and towel aren’t effective in removing those irritating deodorant stains, but you can use baby wipes to get rid of them easily.

7 Fix loose buttons

You will often find loose buttons on your shirts, and they are really frustrating. Don’t have glue nearby to fix that? No problem, just apply nail polish over it, and it will stick just like glue.

8 Boot Cuff

Check this image below to know the perfect way of wearing your newly purchased boots, with a cuff!

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