18 Of The Funniest Texts On The Internet
by Qunki Team | funny
You can probably see numerous images of funny texts on the Internet every day, however this list is the ultimate compilation of the top 18 funniest texts currently available on the Internet. Thats because, there is a wide variety, not just your typical autocorrect funny texts. So, check below to start reading and hopefully you will have a good laugh!
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1 If you got this from your mom, youd at first be like awmy mom is the best and then 2 seconds late
2 You would never, ever, EVER be able to look at your mother the same way.
3 If that isnt sexy, I dont know what is.
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4 He shouldve been way more specificand she shouldve been a little less literal.
5 LOL stop sending me pictures of a cat.
6 Tina gave this poor guy the wrong numberthank you, Tina.
7 Shes totally getting daughter of the year award. Not.
8 Not sketchy at all
9 He keeps getting closer and closer and closerand creepier.
10 If shes calling it the thing, shes too young for you, bruh.
11 His Highness.
12 Moms shouldnt be allowed to textor attempt to Google search.
13 Never go to dad for helphell just troll you.
14 One dementia.
15 Drunk Jess seems great until Tomorrow Jess realizes what shes done.
16 Im definitely going to start saying Oklahoma instead of O.K from now on.
17 She is asking a legitimate and very important question. Answer it, mister.
18 She obviously wants nothing to do with you.
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