This Is What Eating Just ONE Egg A Day Can Do To Your Body. You Wont Believe This

By Qunki Team | health and fitness

Many of us love eggs. Irrespective of whether eggs are poached, scrambled or fried, egg remains the favorite food of many people. When I visited the Doctor sometime back, he advised me to reduce on the eggs I consume every day since they tend to increase cholesterol levels that may lead to cardiovascular diseases.

Time seems to have changed and today eggs have a place in the top of all those lists that suggest nutritious food be eaten for a healthy life. So does that mean one can eat many numbers of eggs every day? We will see.


The human liver can naturally generate approximately 1000 Mg. to 2000 Mg. Cholesterol on a day to day basis and this is dependent on the cholesterol levels you take in through the foods you consume. Coming to Egg eating, one egg has 180 Mg. to 186 Mg. Cholesterol in it. As consuming any food item is going to have an impact on the natural cholesterol levels in the body, eating eggs is also going to make some impact on your cholesterol levels.

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Random Joke

Once there was a magical mirror

Once there was a magical mirror.

When you told the thruth it gave you things, but if you lie to it, it makes you vanish forever.

One day three college girls went to the mirror.

The red head said "I think I'm the smartest one."

Then she got a diploma, scholarship, and got accepted into all the colleges in the world.

The brunette then said "I think I'm the prettiest one."

Then she got a Corvette, mansion, a good looking boyfriend , and a lot of money.

Then the blonde said " I think...*poof*"

Then she suddenly dissapearred forever


However, eggs being highly rich in many vitamins like E, B6, A and necessary minerals like Phosphorous, Magnesium, Iron, the cholesterol content tends to play low making egg to be considered a super food for health.


Looking at cholesterol as an individual factor also, the type of cholesterol Egg provides is termed as HDL which is considered ‘good cholesterol’ medically. HDL is said to reduce the building up of LDL, the ‘bad cholesterol’ thus reducing the risk of getting affected by cardiovascular diseases. Instead, the HDL in Egg helps the body to produce many hormones like Cortisol, Estrogen, and Testosterone. HDL also avoids artery clotting.


Choline present in the egg helps stimulate the brain to initiate the memory skills. It also avoids the risk of any abnormalities developing in the fetus. Choline deficiency causes many liver and muscle related diseases.


Lutein and Zeaxanthin, the two antioxidants found in eggs reduces the risk of many eye related ailments including the macular degeneration of vision that develops due to the aging process and reduces chances of getting affected by cataracts by 50%


Nearly 40% of Protein is present in the Egg’s Yolk and so consuming at least three eggs every day with the yolk provides high levels of the protein that chicken, beef or pork can provide.


The egg helps to lose weight fast because it is low in calorie levels and high in nutrition. Due to this, eating eggs for breakfast makes you feel filled for a long time during the day, providing all vital nutrients required for a full day’s work.

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