Amazingly Accurate Images That Tells The Difference Between Single And Being In A Relationship

By Qunki Team | relationship and lovelife

Amazingly Accurate Images That Tells The Difference Between Single And Being In A Relationship

17 When you are with your love time passes slowly.

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A successful marriage :

A married couple never fought, not even once in 25 years of marriage.

A friend of the couple asked, "How is that even possible?"

Husband replied, "Well, we went to a ranch for our honeymoon. While horse riding, my wife's horse jumped and my wife fell off.

She got up and patted the horse and said "This is your first time."

After a while it happened again and she said, "This is your second time"

And when it happened the third time, she pulled out a gun and shot the horse.

I shouted at her and said, "Are you crazy?!? You killed the horse!!"

She gave me a look and said, "This is your first time."

16 The time spent on the phone call.

15 A universal truth.

14 Cruel Irony (going out single vs relationship rage).

13 Shopping.

12 Let the bush grow wild.

11 Difference between the conversation.

10 Eat the difference.

9 We have got a chart for you too.

8 Also social media react differently to you.

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