12 Unfortunate Actors Who Sadly Got Fired From Their Own Movies

By Qunki Team | celebrity and gossip

There were several actors who were unfortunately replaced or fired from their roles that they were supposed to play. Let us have a quick glance at the list of 12 such unlucky actors.

1 Ryan Gosling:

This cute and sweet actor was actually forbidden from entering the sets of The Lovely Bones, when he happened to gain a few extra kilos for the role which he was supposed to perform.

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Random Joke

five birds sitting on a fence

Little Johnny was sitting in class doing math problems when his teacher picked him to answer a question, "Johnny, if there were five birds sitting on a fence and you shot one with your gun, how many would be left?"

"None," replied Johnny, "cause the rest would fly away."

"Well, the answer is four," said the teacher, "but I like the way you're thinking."

Little Johnny says, "I have a question for you. If there were three women eating ice cream cones in a shop, one was licking her cone, the second was biting her cone and the third was sucking her cone, which one is married?"

"Well," said the teacher nervously, "I guess the one sucking the cone."

"No," said Little Johnny, "the one with the wedding ring on her finger, but I like the way you're thinking."

2 Christian Bale:

Bale was first taken and then fired and again hired in a film when Leonardo DiCaprio walked out at the last moment.

3 Megan Fox:

This sexy hot lady was fired from the entire Transformer series when she had compared the director to Hitler.

4 Jean-Claude Van Damme:

He was fired from the Predator series when he seemed to differ with the director on some issues.

5 Anne Hathaway:

She was unfortunately fired from the female lead of Knocked Up, following her argument with the director.

6 Eric Stoltz:

He was fired from the series of Back to the Future because he could not get the lines properly and correctly.

7 Sylvester Stallone:

This famous actor was initially supposed to play the lead role in Beverly Hills Cop. However, due to some reasons Eddie Murphy took his place.

8 Samantha Morton:

She was supposed to lend her voice for the female lead in Spike Jonzes Her. She was very much cooperative, but the director felt that she was not right.

9 Staurt Townsend:

He was supposed to play the lead role in Lord of the Rings in place of Viggo Mortenson but was fired due to some reason.

10 Annette Bening:

She was supposed to play the role of Catwoman in Batman Returns of the year 1992. Michelle Pfeiffer later played it, because the actress was pregnant.

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