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Couple admitted into ER after mistaking super glue with lube

by Qunki Team | wtf
Home > wtf > Couple admitted into ER after mistaking super glue with lube

New York A Syracuse couple lived probably one of the most embarrassing moment ever reported in a hospital this year yesterday, after checking into ER, stuck to one another in an explicit position. Martha Weizman, 36, and Matthew Caleda, 41, had to call emergency services after accidentally mistaking industrial super glue for lubricant.

The couple attracted the attention of dozens of patients present at the time of the scene as soon as they arrived at St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center. Even though paramedics tried covering the couple with blankets, the duo was visibly naked and stuck to one another at the genital area.

“This is absolutely disgusting,” tells us Mme Albert, an 83-year-old patient who witnessed the scene. “They’re nothing but a bunch of perverted exhibitionists. Everyone was taking pictures of them.” A very delicate and complex surgery that lasted a little over 3 hours was needed to separate the couple, who luckily will be walking out of their misfortune more shaken than hurt, suffering only from minor injuries.

According to one of the paramedics called on scene, Caleda allegedly told them he was a passionate of architectural scaled models, and that in the rush of things, he accidentally took a tube of super glue instead of his lubricant tube, both having similar shapes. The couple would of noticed the mistake barely 30 seconds later, but it was already too late.

Martha Weizman, 36, and Matthew Caleda, 41, refused to speak to journalists once discharged from the hospital, clearly uncomfortable of the incident that left them exposed naked and stuck to one another at the genital area in front of dozens of other patients.

On a positive note, it’s only the second incident of this nature to occur so far this year in the great region of New York, a net improvement compared to the 27 couples to whom it happened to since 2013.

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