Men's Preference About Women Breast Size Says A Lot About Their Personality!
You would be surprised to know how much you can get to know about a person's personality from awkward stuff. The latest one is a man's preference for a woman's breast size. The breast size that a man prefers can reveal a lot about his desires, his passions and how he treats others. Read on to know more.
1 Hungry men prefer big breasts!
This might sound awkward, but men link big breasts with “food security”. Men think that bigger breasts show that the woman is from a rich and wealthy family. This happened due to the effect hunger and poverty had over British men. Hence men consider women with big breasts to be a better partner.
2 Sexist men prefer big cups!
According to a study conducted by the Journal Archives of Social Behaviour, where around 300 men aged 18-68 participated, men chose 3-D models over bigger breasts over the smaller ones. It was also seen that those who were sexists particularly chose the bigger cups.
3 Men looking for a malleable partner go for small breasts!
Men who are looking for submissive women want smaller breasts since women who have smaller cups are less competitive than ones with bigger breasts.
4 Men who are independent prefer large breasts!
According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, men who are independent go for bigger breasts.
5 Men who are financially stable go for smaller cups!
This matches the first point since men who have not worried about money and have a bigger pocket don’t need “fat reserves”.
6 Men who aren’t ready to become fathers prefer smaller ones!
Men who are ready to become fathers prefer larger breasts indicating that they can handle and nurture a child with ease, while men who don’t want to become fathers anytime soon, prefer smaller breasts along with larger waist to hip ratio.
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