25 Horrifying Urban Legends That Will Keep You Up

By Qunki Team | wtf

Sit home and read these terrifying real life stories. Check out these 25 horrifying urban legends, if you dare.

1 The Buckley Children

The Buckley Children 25 Horrifying Urban Legends That Will Keep You Up

The Buckley children Susan and John they wanted to create some Halloween decorations and decided to cut off the head of their mother. The neighborhood kids did murder and called the police, and the children were gone to jail for long.

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Random Joke

Johnny at School :

Teacher: "Why did you laugh?"

Boy: "I saw a strap of your bra."

Teacher: "Get out! Don't come to class for the next 1 week. Another boy laughs..."

Teacher: "Why did you laugh?"

Boy: "I saw both straps of your bra."

Teacher: "Get out! Don't come to class for next 1 month."

The teacher bends to pick a chalk and little Johnny starts walking out of the class.

Teacher: "Why are you going out?"

Johnny: "With what I saw I think my school days are over."

2 Dr. Jacquelyn Kotarac

Dr. Jacquelyn Kotarac tried to climb her Ex-lovers chimney, but he got stuck inside and couldn’t come out. He noticed that something is leaking from the fireplace, it was from her decomposing body.

3 Michelina Lewandowska

She was buried alive in 2011, and it was not an accident. Her boyfriend tied her and kept in the box and buried her but she used her ring to cut the tape, and she ran away.

4 Kuchisake-Onna

China and Japan have an urban legend, the slit-mouthed women who cheated on her husband. He cut her face from ear to ear, and now she wears a surgical mask and walks around.

5 Black-Eyed Children

The urban legend about children without eyes is 100% true. In Abilene, in the 1990s two young teens eye’s were completely black.

6 Slender Man

Slender man is a very tall man with skinny legs, long arms, and claw-like fingers. He convinced a small young girl to do murder. His main targets are children.

7 Sweet Dreams

People went to hotel rooms and saw there were dead bodies under the bed in Kansas City.

8 Elisa Day

Elisa Day a beautiful girl fell in love with man. One day near the river he hit her and killed her. He left her into the river with a rose. People say that her ghost is near the same river with blood on her face and a rose in hand.

9 The White Death

white death tells the story of a girl who killed herself. Her family even died soon after her. People say that if someone talks about her death, she will come to your door and knock louder until you answer.

10 She’s Crazy

In the popular TV show “Psychic Japan” woman was photographed in the audience. It shows the people that ghosts and spirits exist due to the nature of her face.

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