You Need To See The 20 Weirdest Things That Exist In Japan

By Qunki Team | wtf

Several weird and awkward things happen in Japan this fact isnt new. If you are staying in Tokyo, you might think that you are in a dream the first few days. Some of these things are great, while others are really awkward.

Take a look at the top 20 weird things that happen in Japan below.

1 Kanchol

Kanchol is practised in Japan, where you make a pistol shape with your hands and place it in such a way as if you are trying to shove it up someones ass.

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Random Joke

A blonde was taking helicopter lessons.

A blonde was taking helicopter lessons.

The instructor said, "I'll radio you every 1000 feet to see how you're doing."

At 1000 feet, the instructor radioed her and said she was doing great.

At 2000 feet, he said she was still doing well.

Right before she got to 3000 feet, the propeller stopped, and she twirled to the ground.

The instructor ran to where she crash landed and pulled her out of the helicopter. "What went wrong?"

The blonde said, "At 2500 feet, I started to get cold, so I turned the big fan off."

2 Cuddle Cafe


This costs 6000 Yen, and will allow you to cuddle with a stranger for an hour.

3 School Janitor

You would be surprised to know that there are no janitors in Japanese schools. After the classes are over, it is the duty of the students to clean the school.

4 Sleeping

Unlike other countries, falling asleep at work isnt frowned upon, in fact it is commendable, since people think that you are too tired from working hard.

5 Blackface

Blackface is an event in Japan, where people dress as black men. The main reason is to show the world that beauty standards that state that white skin is better than other colour are completely wrong.

6 Adoption

Adoption of adults is allowed in Japan, since several couples are too old, have no children, and would want someone to run their businesses under their names.

7 Naked Festival

Hadaka Matsuri is a naked festival which takes place in Japan every year. According to the Japanese, this festival brings them good luck, and more than 9,000 men participate every year.

8 Suicide Forest

Aokigahara, known as the the suicide forest, is located in the northwest of Mount Fuji of Japan. As the name suggests, the place is rather famous for the high number of suicides that have taken place in that area.

9 Rabbit Island

kunoshima, known as the Rabbit Island, is an island in Japan, whose entire population consists of only rabbits. People can go for hiking or camping, but they dont live there permanently. These rabbits were taken to the island during the wars for experimentation, and gradually those grew in number and completely inhabited the island.

10 Banishment Rooms

If an employee is fired in Japan, the company has to continue giving him benefits. Hence, the Japanese dont fire their employees but resort to a different tactic. They are moved to banishment rooms where they are asked to do very intensive tasks or boring tasks such as staring at a CCTV camera all day long. Needless to say, the employees quit soon after.

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