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Reasons Why Siblings Are the Best

by Qunki Team | funny
Home > funny > Reasons Why Siblings Are the Best

Siblings are actually a blessing in disguise. I am the youngest of my siblings, so have always been pampered the most. Siblings actually prove to be your best friends, always having fun with you, guiding you in case they are elder to you or you are guiding them in case you are the older one, understanding you, always standing up for you, even when everyone is against you. If I ask you to imagine a day without your siblings, you would probably not be able to imagine it. This is how much importance they have in our lives. So, here I list some of the reasons why siblings are simply the best:

1 They are your true friends: they are there for you whenever you need their help, even when everyb


2 A bit of healthy competition really drives you: the competition you have with your siblings in ev


3 An elder sibling acts as a source of constant motivation: if you have an elder sibling, you look


4 They are the ones giving you the best and your favourite gifts: since they are almost of the same


5 Your siblings are always there to share your special moments: they are always there for you whene


6 You have someone to be your partner in crime: you always have your siblings to have fun with and


7 They look at things from your perspective: unlike others, who think that what they do is the best


8 You will always have someone to adventure with: you will have a person who is not against you whe


9 You will have a left hand: you sibling will always be a wingman by your side in all your mischief


10 You will always love them the most: no matter how older you grow, your love and affection for you


11 Especially when you really need it most!


12 When you were young, you always had someone to adventure with


13 And youll still always have someone to freak Mom out with


14 Youll always have a wingman on your side.


15 And someone to lift you up


16 You know that deep down, youll never really change


17 No Matter many years pass.

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