Munchkin Kittens: Breed Of Cats Most People Don’t Know About… And Now We’re Completely Obsessed!

By Qunki Team | animals and pets

It is common sense that a kitten is cuter than a cat, however there are exceptions. And that is what this article is about.

The breed of cats we are talking about is the munchkins and they are the cutest breed in the world. If you are not yet convinced, you should see the pictures below which should remove any doubt you have!

1 Munchkin breed literally is the threshold of cuteness when it comes to cats.

Article Continues after the joke

Random Joke

A blond, a brunette, and a redhead were trying out for a new NASA experiment

A blond, a brunette, and a redhead were trying out for a new NASA experiment on sending women to different planets.

First, they called the brunette in and asked her a question.

If you could go to any planet, what planet would you want to go to and why?

After pondering the question she answered, "I would like to go to Mars because it seems so interesting with all the recent news about possible extra terrestrial life on the planet."

They said "well okay, thank you." And told her that they would get back to her.

Next, the redhead entered the room and the NASA people asked her the same question. In reply, "I would like to go to Saturn to see all of its rings." Again, "thank you" and they would get back to her.

Finally, the blond entered the room and they asked her the same question they asked the brunette and the redhead.

She thought for a while and replied, "I would like to go to the sun."

The people from NASA replied, "why, don't you know that if you went to the sun you would burn to death?"

The blond smirked and put her hands on her hips. "Are you guys dumb? I'd go at night!"

2 They start off as a cute ball of fuzz

3 Their speciality is that their legs are relatively shorter compared to their whole body.

4 And their kittens are so cute!

5 These cats are quite curious as well!

6 You cant stop yourself from giving them a cuddle every time you see them.

7 How can someone resist squeezing these little fellows?

8 They started getting popular in the 1990s

9 And their popularity hasnt decreased ever since.

10 And these pictures prove why their fan base is still growing.

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