What You Need to Know About Male Pattern Hair Loss
Do you know that even a balding scalp can be turned into a head full of hair? If not, take this as the first fact you should know about male pattern hair loss.
Now before we talk about some other interesting things, have you ever wondered how doctors classify hair loss? Well, they use the Hamilton-Norwood hair loss classification system to do so.
The hair loss level can lie somewhere between Norwood Type 1 (the lowest degree of hair loss) to Norwood Type 6 (the most advanced degree of hair loss); depending upon which the treatment is recommended.
But what are the potential treatments? And why is your hair falling in the first place? Below are the answers to this and much more.
5 Things You Need to Know About Male Pattern Hair Loss
1. What is Male Pattern Hair Loss?
Androgenetic alopecia, widely known as male pattern baldness, is experienced by around 50 million men in the US. Moreover, up to half of the men above 50 years of age will develop this condition, says NLM.
2. What are the Reasons Behind Male Pattern Hair Loss?
The most apparent reason for hair loss in both men and women is genetics. In men, it is linked with changing levels of androgens – a group of hormones. With disturbed androgen levels, follicles shrink, hair starts to grow at a slower pace and much thinner than before. This results in increased shedding and bald spots.
However, genetics is not the only reason for hair loss. Nutritional deficiency and an unhealthy lifestyle also affect hair. Other conditions like an autoimmune disorder, thyroid problem, cancer, or certain medications may also trigger hair fall.
3. What are the Symptoms of Male Pattern Hair Loss?
The symptoms of male pattern hair loss vary from person to person. You may experience hair loss in temple or crown areas. Having one or more bald spots is also a possibility. Plus, there are also patients with symptoms of the receding hairline which may eventually lead to a completely bald scalp.
4. Are You at Risk?
Though hair loss is associated with aging, some can indeed face it at a young age as well. The chances increase if you have close relatives (particularly on the maternal side) having androgenetic alopecia.
5. How Can You Treat Hair Loss?
When facing excessive hair loss, the first and foremost thing to do is to see a doctor. If any health condition is not the cause, you can handle hair loss by using the following techniques:
5.1. Hairstyles
Several haircuts like a buzz or crew cut have helped men with limited hair loss. So, going to your barber might be the befitting solution for you.
5.2. Wigs or Weaves
Since wigs are now available in natural colors and textures, they don’t look fake anymore. Whereas if you have a fair volume of hair, sewing weaves with them will let you put on your artificial hair while swimming, sleeping, or doing anything.
5.3. Medications
Taking your hair loss seriously as early as possible is the only way to prevent or slow down its progression. You can try the topical treatment – Minoxidil, to stimulate hair follicles.
Finasteride is another medication that works by blocking hormones limiting hair growth. Though it has a higher success rate than Minoxidil, there are some serious side effects as well. So, it is better to consult your doctor before having it.
5.4. Hair Transplantation
Looking for a permanent solution to hair loss? Seeking a hair transplant is the answer. It involves transplanting hair either from the scalp or the body (BHT) to the balding area.
As you can guess, this method is invasive and requires a professional hand to perform. Therefore, the prices are high. In the USA or the UK, it can cost nearly $13,610 and $8,050 respectively. But traveling to Turkey or Mexico can help you in cutting corners.
The Outlook
Even if you can’t prevent hair loss, delaying or treating it is within reach. Remember that stress is also a reason behind hair loss. So, don’t let the stress worsen the situation. Seek treatments and perform relaxing activities to overcome your hair fall and anxiety altogether.
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