25 Shocking Costume Mistakes In Movies

By Qunki Team | celebrity and gossip

Many movies in Hollywood are based on actual Historical events. Thus error and mistakes are bound to take place. Though Minor factual mistakes go unnoticed, major mistakes don't. Especially the ones with costume mistakes.

Gladiator, Pirates of the Caribbean and Braveheart are just a few of the movies whose inaccuracies have caused an uproar and major controversies. There is a huge list of such mistakes in movies.

So, here we bring to you 25 of the biggest and the most shocking mistakes of some of the greatest movies of all times:

1 Captain America:

The First Avenger: In Captain America: The First Avenger, Jim Mortia wears a headset, the kind which was produced only after 2000, underneath his hat. But actually, the movie was set in the era of world war II.

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Random Joke

Little Johnny and The new teacher

A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses.

She started her class by saying, "Everyone who thinks they're stupid, stand up!"

After a few seconds, Little Johnny stood up.

The teacher said, "Do you think you're stupid, Little Johnny?"

"No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!"

2 American Hustle:

In American Hustle, Stoddard Thorsten is seen wearing a Rolex manufactured in 2010, but the movie is set in the 1970s.

3 Braveheart:

In Braveheart, Mel Gibson's character William Wallace wears a kilt, though he lived around 1300. Kilts were not dressed in Scotland before the advent of the 16th century.

4 Django Unchained:

In Django Unchained, Django is seen wearing sunglasses, which were not very widespread in the US before 1929. Before this, they were put to use as medical devices and were quite rare.

5 Dirty Dancing:

Baby is seen wearing Jean shorts in dirty dancing, despite if the fact that the movie is set in the 1960s, and shorts werent worn before 1980s.

6 The Wedding Singer:

Despite the fact that the movie is set in the 1980s, Drew Barrymore dons a beautiful 90s haircut in the movie.

7 My Girl:

In My Girl, set in 1972, Casa wears a mood ring, which was invented in 1975.

8 Captain America:

The First Avenger: In Captain America: The First Avenger, Peggy Carters has shoulder length hair, while there was a rule in World War II that all military women should have their hair off their collars while on duty.

9 The Informant!:

Though The Informant is set in the early 1990s, men are seen wearing Nike golf shoes, which were made first in 1996.

10 Gladiator:

Russell Crowes Lycra shorts are clearly visible through his tunic drive the tiger fight sequence. It is very obvious that early Romans did not wear Lycra bike shorts.

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