17 Terrible Photoshop Fails You Have Ever Gone Through

By Qunki Team | funny

In this digital era, every single thing is digital, including, of course, photos. Now the manual cameras have become obsolete. And with this has come the concept of Photoshop. This is a software which is used to enhance the photos and make people and things look better than what they already are. But, when people lose their creativity and make the photos too away from reality and impossible, it is terrible. So, here we bring to you 17 of the most terrible Photoshop Failures, which make you doubt the capabilities of Photoshop software.

1 Kimmi’s make up is so perfectly done, she looks a doll. No, she’s not lying.

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Random Joke

Priest and his cock :

A Priest kept chickens at his village. One evening the cock went missing.

At the church mass prayer gathering, the priest asked,

"Who has a cock?"...

All the men got up.

"No, I meant who has seen a cock?"...

All the women got up.

"No, No, Who has seen a cock that isn't their's?"...

Half the women got up.

"Oh, for Heaven's sake, Who has seen my cock?"...

All the nuns got up.

2 Angelica, the muscles and definitely Photoshop are your perfect matches, Josh!

3 You know if you have a friend good with Photoshop, it definitely makes it easier.

4 Yo man !!!

5 That’s more than a 12pack

6 Hanging out with my girlfriend

7 Leslie maybe had high hormonal levels during puberty, or maybe high Photoshop.

8 Photoshop makes everyone size zero.

9 George gets whatever he wishes for, given by Photoshop.

10 Should probably change your gym workout plan, less of leg exercise, or the person who did your Photoshop.

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