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These Shocking Pictures Show The Sad Truth About Society’s Double Standards

by Qunki Team | wtf
Home > wtf > These Shocking Pictures Show The Sad Truth About Society’s Double Standards

As much as we hate double standards, they are present almost in every aspect of our current society. Men and women both have to face this in their everyday lives. However, if the roles are always shared equally, then we too feel that to be fair and hence, are obligated to follow these standards correctly. However, due to these double standards, we no longer have any faith in the system. Take a look at these nine pictures which portray the harsh truth about the society's double standards.

1 Why do you have to be always rude? Men also need space sometimes.

2 Body acceptance should be equal in both cases.

3 Thats just pure double standard!

4 People have problems with both makeup and no makeup.

5 This is just cruel.

6 be careful while driving!

7 Lets not chase each other, ok?

8 More changes need to be made.

9 A typical one.

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