15 Hilarious Letters Of Resignation That Show You How it is Done

By Qunki Team | funny

Usually we consider resignation as a formal procedure. But some people consider it as a way to show their creativity or their hate towards their boss. Check out some of them

1 Ending work on a sweet note

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Random Joke

Johnny at School :

Teacher: "Why did you laugh?"

Boy: "I saw a strap of your bra."

Teacher: "Get out! Don't come to class for the next 1 week. Another boy laughs..."

Teacher: "Why did you laugh?"

Boy: "I saw both straps of your bra."

Teacher: "Get out! Don't come to class for next 1 month."

The teacher bends to pick a chalk and little Johnny starts walking out of the class.

Teacher: "Why are you going out?"

Johnny: "With what I saw I think my school days are over."

2 More cakes, but this time it’s following dreams.

3 A resignation letter or a gift?

4 When your reasons come from the heart…or a few inches below.

5 To those bosses who don’t get a hint.

6 You don’t want to piss off the gardener.

7 When not being punctual pisses the employee off, not the boss.

8 Hacking your boss’ system, like a boss.

9 Leaving honest feedback.

10 Criticising your bosses criticism.

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