Penis Confessions That Will Blow Your Mind
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The world is filled with mind blowing stuff. There is so much information out there, that it is impossible to know everything, and some of these can literally blow your mind and leave you in utter confusion.
Here are some mindblowing confessions from people about their thing :3
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1. Thank God! She didnt take it too seriously!

2. Well, men out there do try this out to see if Yelling is so effective! Yeah?

3. The belly fat was blocking it!

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4. That is insane!

5. At least he has a big one

6. I am not sure if that is even possible.

7. Ouch!

8. I cant imagine how embarrassing that must have been.

After reading through these confessions, I am speechless. Let us know what your opinion is about these confessions.
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