36 Items That Match The Surroundings

By Qunki Team | funny

If you get to camouflage into the surroundings then look no further we have the ultimate collection of inspirational ideas to merge into the background.

1. Gum on nails, the new nail art trend.

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A burglar entered a bedroom, tied up the husband and wife, kissed the wife's ear and went to the bathroom...

The husband said to the wife "satisfy him or he will kill us, be strong. I love u"

Wife said "he didn't kiss me, he whispered in my ear that he is gay, he needs vaseline and | told him it's in the bathroom.

So be strong, | love u too......!!!

2. When the interior decor matches your fashion style.

3. Poseidon with his kids.

4. Mirror, mirror on the car.

5. Why would you wear rugs for a pair of shoes?

6. I’m the mountain princess.

7. The hallway is my runway.

8. When I’m caught with some glitter on my feet and sand in my hair.

9. The wise owl resides in the trunk.

10. Bubbles, bubbles everywhere.

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