Former Employees Reveal Bizzare Reasons McDonald's Fired Them
The McDonald's Corporation has experienced a lot of change in its history. From building its first restaurant to transforming itself into a multi-national corporation. It has changed its menu, its training methods, and its food. It has even changed its menu more than once. Along with these changes, McDonald's has also gone through a lot of employees. Today, this fast-food chain employs more than 2 million people worldwide. If you are one of these employees, it may be hard to believe that you are not the only one who has been fired for some pretty odd reasons.
In a McDonald's in the Midwest, a manager was fired for not wearing his work shirt. In a McDonald's in Asia, a worker was fired for not properly following the company dress code by wearing flip-flops instead of shoes. Other workers have been fired because they lack knowledge of English or because they were caught stealing food. One worker even lost their job for being too good at making ice cream sundaes
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