24 Animals That Are Deadliest To Have Around

By Qunki Team | animals and pets

14 Lion

They kill around 250 human beings every year.

It's not at all surprising that the king of the jungle has found a place on this list. It doesn't prefer others disturbing, so don't wander too close trying to take its pictures, or you might just lose your dear life.

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Baby Predicts Death of Parents.. See what happens next

A baby was born and minutes after he began to speak:

I am going to live only 4 days, my Mother will die in 6 days and my Father will die in 15 days.

4 days later the boy died .. . after 6 days the Mother died.

The Father was now going crazy, because the next one would be him.

He sold everything and spent all the money.

15 days later...

the neighbour died.

(Never rush into solving problems)

13-12 Elephants and Hippos

They kill around 500 people each year, hence combining their figures, it amounts to a total of 1000 deaths per year.

You might think that hippos and elephants are too slow due to their massive size, but don't let that fool you. A mere push might kill you, so stay away from them at all costs.

11 Crocodile

Crocodiles kill around 1000 human beings per year, which is the combined figures of hippos and elephants.

Did you know that crocodiles are the biggest lizards in the world? Considering that fact, the crocodiles should have been a bit higher on the list!

10 Tapeworms

Around 2000 people are killed by tapeworms every year.

The tapeworm is a microscopic creature, but it is deadliest due to its tiny size. It gets into your digestive system and gradually prevents its proper functioning, resulting ultimately in the death of the host.

9 Ascaris Roundworms

Their kill rate is 2500 per year.

They too work in a similar way to the tapeworms. Can you imagine how deadly these creatures can prove to be if they somehow get into your body?

8 Scorpion

Around 3250 people get killed by the venomous sting of the scorpion.

Scorpions are extremely poisonous and are mostly found in the deserts, so if you are planning a vacation to any desert shortly, you might want to reconsider it

7-6-5 3 Insects Freshwater Snails, Tsetse Flies and Assassin Bugs.

These three insects each kill around 10,000 people each year. This results in a whopping 30,000 deaths per year if we combine their figures.

These insects can come near you at any time, so stay alert and safe!

4 Dogs

Around 25,000 human beings are killed by dogs every year.

You are probably shocked right now! How can mans best friend betray him this way? As surprising as this sounds, it is true. So you might want to train your dog properly from now on!

3 Snakes

They kill around 50,000 people each year.

Snakes are the most venomous reptiles, so its no surprise that they rank 3rd on this list.

2 Humans

People kill around 475,000 persons per year!

I am sure you were not expecting this. But it's no surprise that people can kill others for their benefits. With so many murders and bombings every year, this figure is certainly not surprising.

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