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People Who Got Screwed By Online Shopping

by Qunki Team | wtf
Home > wtf > People Who Got Screwed By Online Shopping

Online shopping has become extremely popular in recent times, owing to the rise of social media and lucrative deals given by these shopping websites. However, if you find a deal that seems too good to be true, then there is a high chance that it is only available online. And when people get such lucrative deals, they immediately hop on the wagon to buy them, even if they are shit. Here, we present top 15 instances where people were fooled by online shopping deals. Read on to know more!

1 Can you see the stark contrast between the advertised dress on the left and the actual one on the

2 The description read kitty tent, but he didnt take it seriously.

3 Such a small and light MacBook! Apple is awesome!

4 The perfect dress for your cat!

5 He tried his best by giving specific instructions, but all was in vain.

6 Perfect chairs for small pets!

7 Well, that is hilarious!

8 This should be a lesson for everyone of you. Never shop for any costumes for the Halloween event

9 When your order roses for a special occasion, and get a bunch of spring onions as a substitute.

10 The carpet might be small, but it can be extremely useful if you have any small pets!

11 This tiny TV stand along with the rug above can make for an excellent house for your pet!

12 This is what you get when you go for fashion dresses at nominal prices.

13 Let this be a lesson to you all never purchase your wedding dress from online shopping sites.

14 Once again, this shows how different the actual clothes are from the advertised ones. Hopefully,

15 Hopefully, I dont have to state which organs print that one is.

Hopefully, you enjoyed this article. Learn from these mistakes and keep these in mind while shopping online. Let us know in the comments below if you too have fallen into the traps of online shopping at times. And dont forget to share this article with your friends and family.

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