20 Reasons Why Men Cheat In A Relationship!

By Qunki Team | relationship and lovelife

11 For ego inflation:

Marriage and family therapist KHara McKinney believes that men also cheat for ego inflation. They feel good when others consider them attractive and desirable, even those outside their marriage. It makes them feel alluring and powerful, even when they cheat their partner.

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Random Joke

We went to see a movie the other night.

We went to see a movie the other night.

I sat in an aisle seat as I usually do because it feels a little roomier.

Just as the feature was about to start, a blonde from the center of the row got up and started working her way out.

“Excuse me, sorry, oops, excuse me, pardon me, gotta hurry, oops, excuse me.”

By the time she got to me, I was trying to look around her and I was a little impatient, so I said, “Couldn’t you have done this a little earlier?”

“No!” she said in a loud whisper. “The ‘TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE PLEASE’ message just flashed up on the screen and mine is in the car.”

12 When men feel their woman is unhappy:

Relationship expert Terra Bruns firmly believes that men like and work hard to make their woman, the love of their life, happy and when they feel that they are not succeeding in their quest to make their woman happy and she is unhappy, they try to find another woman whom they can satisfy and make happy, and thus cheat. Though it is wrong, it is very true.

13 When an emotional element is missing:

Counsellor Ken Burns says that in his experience, men, or women for that matter of fact, cheat when something is missing in their relationship. An Integral emotional element that a person needs in his relationship is not being met. Commonly it is from within a relationship, or it is something missing from within a person. They accept it welcomingly when someone comes along who fills that void, the thing missing in the relationship.

14 When they cant connect with themselves:

Counselor Mark Glower in of the opinion that men cheat when they are unable to emotionally connect with their inner, wounded child who is desperately searching be be pampered and nurtured and affirmed that they are deserving of being loved only due to their preciousness and self worth. Since they continuously struggle with this unattainable concept of worthiness and keep on chasing this utopian goal and in the process, keep moving from one person to the other. The same concept applies to women too.

15 When their needs are not met:

Psychotherapist Trish Pauls is of the opinion that there is not universal reason which applies to all the people who cheat. Every person is unique and faces different circumstances. When people feel very emotionally disconnected from their partner and have no idea how they can get their needs met in a very healthy manner, so look for other ways and people to fulfil their needs which causes problems in marriage such as an extramarital affair.

16 Men miss being admired, adored and desired:

Psychotherapist Katherine Mazza believes that men cheat due to the fact that they lack the feeling which drew them into their long term relationship in the first place. The feeling of being admired, loved, desired and adored is the romantic cocktail that now feels very intoxicating. After 6- 18 months, it is not at all uncommon for the man to fall of his utopian pedestal as reality sets in, and lifes daily challenges assume priority. Not only men but women too miss this intense but short phase in their relationship. This feeling, which plays upon attachment deprivation and self esteem, results in all self- doubt and insecurity. It them becomes impossible for the other partner to replicate this insatiable desire. Along come another person, a stranger, who immediately activates this feeling. High level of temptation hits hard, especially when one does not feel being elevated regularly by his partner.

17 Men constantly seek novelty:

Psychoanalyst Gerald Schoenewolf say that recent research points out to the fact that both men and women cheat to almost about the same degree. The most common reason why men cheat is to constantly seek novelty, due to the fear of intimacy. The most common reason why women cheat is due to frustrations in their intimate relationship. These can help women figure out why men cheat and get some insight about male psyche and find ways to prevent them from cheating and save their relationship.

18 Modern romantic ideal causes infidelity:

Psychotherapist Marcie Scranton says that our modern focus on romantic ideal acts like a setup for infidelity. When a relationship loses its initial luster, it is very common to really long for that same passion and thrill, and the kind of ideal connection that was present when the relationship began. Those who, on the other hand, understand and trust the natural evolution of love that takes place in true relationships will very rarely find the temptation to cheat.

19 Due to intimacy disorder:

Pastoral counsellor Greg Griffin believes that regardless of the fact whether they cheat in person or online, men cheat because they have an intimacy disorder. It is likely that they do not know how to ask their partner for intimacy, or even if they ask, they dont know of a manner of doing it that connects with the woman as well. In such a case, the man looks for a substitute to fulfil his desires and needs for intimacy.

20 To get their ego stroked:


Family therapist Ada Gonzalez is of the opinion that one of the most common reasons why men cheat is personal insecurity that results in them having a dire to to get their ego stroked. They think of the affair as a conquest, gives gives them a feeling of superiority. But since it finds it basis on external validation, the moment he gets complains from the new conquest, he again get doubts, this time with vengeance, and he again finds the need to look for a brand new conquest. In the exterior, he may look arrogant and secure, its insecurity which actually drives it from within.

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