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Rich and Famous Celebrities Who Were Once Homeless

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Home > celebrities > Rich and Famous Celebrities Who Were Once Homeless

Every celebrity has given their best starting from training to hard work to keep the audience entertained. Some of their roles have achieved cult status and are now famous among the public. Every big achievement can be ours and the only requirement is to start from scratch. The same goes for celebrities. Every one of them has started from scratch and they have even been in such a condition where they didn't have a place to live in. Here are a few of them who remained homeless before the beginning of their career -


Jim Carrey is popularly known as a stand-up comedian and is known for his proper timing of comedy. Jim used to live in a van and later took a job as a janitor to afford a house. It was his comedy acts he used to do during the free time that helped him to improve his living conditions.


Ben Franklin, also known as Benjamin Franklin is known by all of us as an American polymath and Founding Father of the United States. Benjamin ran away from his home when he was 17 years old and used to live in the streets of Philadelphia. The family of his wife found and supported him later and he found the love of his life.


Colonel Sanders is the founder, brand ambassador, and the symbol of the very famous fast-food chicken restaurant chain Kentucky Fried Chicken, also known as KFC. He was living with his wife in a car for most of his days at a time when he was trying to get his chicken recipe approved by the restaurants.


Sylvester Stallone has been seen by all of us on the big screen as the fearless John Rambo in the "Rambo" franchise. Sylvester used to live at an NYC bus station for a few weeks and tried to make a living by doing some adult films.


Tyler Perry has been the highest-paid actor in 2010 and 2011 and his name was also listed on Forbes magazine. Tyler's first film production failed terribly and as a result of the loss, he was living in his car. He prepared well on his next script and his next film worked very well and also got the support of House of Blues.


Daniel Craig has gained a large fan following after his appearance as the fearless Agent 007 in the highly successful "James Bond" franchise. In the initial stage of his career, Daniel used to work as an undercover agent by sleeping on the streets of London posing like a homeless person.


We all know Halle Berry as we all have seen her portraying the role of the mutant Orora Munroe or Storm in Marvel Studios' "X-Men" franchise. Halle Berry was homeless when she came to New York to become an actor. She was later found and picked up by ABC after which all of her problems came to an end.


Jim Cramer has been seen on the small screen as the host of the popular reality television show "Mad Money". Jim Cramer initially became homeless when he was robbed for multiple numbers of times when he was working as a journalist. He used to live in his car after that and later was able to afford a house after becoming the host of "Mad Money".


Shania Twain is most popularly known as the "Queen of Country Pop". Her albums and other singles have sold around more than 100 million records. She used to support her family by singing at bars at the age of 8 years as her family was homeless. This was also because the internet was not so prominent then.


Hilary Swank made her debut by playing a small role in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" released in 1992. She later became famous after her appearance in the fourth installment of "The Karate Kid" franchise. She was brought up in a trailer park and went to Los Angeles with her mother at the age of 15 years. They used to search for acting gigs through a payphone when they were living in a car.


William Shatner is particularly known for his appearance as Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise in the first installment of the "Star Trek" franchise released in 1979. But despite his strong performance in the film, he became homeless shortly after its release and the reason is still unknown.


Jennifer Lopez is known for her flawless acting skills in her movies and she has also been a recipient of the Golden Globe nominations. Her parents were not happy and convinced with her decision of joining Hollywood and becoming an actress, so she left her home and was living without any shelter for a few days. Later, a gig in Europe and Los Angeles provided her the fame and popularity she was aiming for.

13. DR. PHIL

Dr. Phil, also known as Phil McGraw is a very famous television personality seen on the small screen as the host of the popular TV show "Dr. Phil". He used to live in his father's car at the beginning. Later, they were able to earn some money which helped them to rent a room for 5 dollars a week at the YMCA.


Kurt Cobain is known by all of us as the guitarist and frontman of the very famous rock band "Nirvana". At the beginning stage of his career, Kurt used to live under a bridge and he slept at the waiting rooms of the hospitals.


Suze Orman is a very well-known American author and financial advisor. She founded the Suze Orman Financial Group in 1987. She was homeless at a point in time and that taught her the value of saving the resources we have in our hands. Today, she works as an advisor for the financial issues of people.

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