Funniest Parenting Tweets That Will Make You Laugh

By Qunki Team | funny

Parenting is hard, and sometimes the daily grind can bring on a lot of frustration. Nowadays, people are venting their frustrations by tweeting hilarious tweets about parenting. These tweets range from just making light of the day-to-day to more serious topics like depression and anxiety. Parents are saying they want to get out of this parenting gig, but they can't because it's for the kids!


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Random Joke

A blonde walked into an electronics store

A blonde walked into an electronics store and said to the salesmen: "I want that tv."

The salesperson shook his head and said, "No, we don't sell to blondes."

So the blonde left and came back with her hair dyed brown and said: "I'll take that tv."

Again the salesman said: "No, we don't sell to blondes."

So she left again and came back with her hair dyed black and said: "I want that tv."

But the salesman still said: "No, we don't sell to blondes."

Finally the blonde got fed up and said, "That's it! How'd you know I was a blonde?!" she asked.

The salesman answered: "Cause that's a microwave."










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