20 Shocking Celeb Body Transformations

By Qunki Team | celebrity and gossip

It's no secret that people change over time in looks as well as personality. But sometimes their transformation will make you wonder. When it comes to celebrities, they use a lot of makeup and use other methods including plastic surgery to enhance their beauty. Some celebs choose for a subtle beauty overhaul - only opting for different hair color or quick teeth whitening - while others are so dramatic, the star looks almost unrecognizable. Here are some surprising transformations of celebs over time.

1 Rob Kardashian

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Random Joke

At School

Teacher: whoever answers my next question, can go home.

One boy throws his bag out the window.

Teacher: who just threw that?!

Boy: Me! I’m going home now.

Another one.

The teacher wrote on the blackboard: "I ain't had no fun in months."

Then asked the class, "How should I correct this sentence?"

Little Johnny raised his had and replied, "Get yourself a new boyfriend."

2 Jennifer Lawrence

3 Renee Zellweger

4 Lana Del Rey

5 Zac Efron

6 Miley Cyrus

7 Justin Bieber

8 Chris Pratt

9 Nicole Donovan

10 Khloe Kardashian

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