21 Crazy beach vacation Photos
by Qunki Team | funny

The sun, the surf, and the sand are meant to give you a good time. But look at some of the hilarious pictures doing the rounds of the internet, what seems to be a fun time has now turned into viral memes.
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1. When having fun is taken too seriously.

2. This girl found her natural habitat.

3. Look I found a Mer-child.

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4. When you feel so cozy in water that you doze-off.

5. Soaking in the sun has a new meaning.

6. Don’t try stunts in water.

7. Bitch! Privacy, please.

8. That one amateur photographer friend on vacation.

9. Storm child by the sea.

10. Sunbathing but have to protect the makeup.

11. When you love Jaws!

12. The face you make when the front camera opens. Grandma beach diaries.

13. When you want to enjoy a beach vacation without getting tanned.

14. Sun in the eye! Oops!

15. Beach bum with a chum.

16. My summer beach body is so lit!

17. Can’t decide whether to be in shorts or swimwear.

18. When you crave a family picture but have to compromise.

19. When you walk straight from the showroom to the beach.

20. Keep your head, heels, and standards, high babe.

21. When modeling on the beach is legit.

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