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Celebrities Who Earns More From Businesses Than From Movies And TV

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Home > celebrities > Celebrities Who Earns More From Businesses Than From Movies And TV

Being a celebrity is the best luck you can ever have as compared to others in this world. It can easily provide us the best opportunities and luxuries which a normal man cannot afford so easily. Apart from all this, when a celebrity has a bigger fan following, they become capable of starting their own business and as a result, they can earn more aside from what they are paid for their appearance in movies and TV shows. Here are a few celebrities and their businesses which helped them in earning extra millions and billions of dollars -


Jessica Alba has been able to establish herself as a successful actress in Hollywood. She has been a part of "The Honest Co." which is a very popular brand of environment-friendly household and a range of cosmetic products. The popularity of the company can be easily credited to Jessica as a result of which, now the total net worth of the company is around $1.7 billion.


The famous American singer and songwriter Gwen Stefani has been a part of L.A.M.B. which was launched in the year 2004. The company offers products like handbags, watches, shoes, fragrances, and belts. It is now available in popular retailers like Nordstrom's and Macy's and has done significantly well in the market since it was launched.


Robert DeNiro is known for his appearance in crime and thriller films. He is mostly seen in the films directed by the genius Martin Scorsese. He has been involved with Nobu which is a very popular restaurant chain of Japan. It was launched by the famous chef Nobu Matsuhisa and Robert DeNiro is now a part of the endorsement sector of this chain. Nobu is now operating in around twenty countries worldwide.


Paul Newman is known for some of his very highly acclaimed performances on screen. The legendary actor passed away in 2008 but his legacy has been able to survive as a result of Newman's Own which is his charitable food line. Newman's Own was founded in 1982 and was offering only salad dressings and pasta sauces at that time. At present, it offers a large range of products.


The famous American rapper P Diddy has been involved with the Ciroc Vodka which was established in the year 2003. P Diddy has been a part of this company since 2007 and has been able to see a boost in its sales because of his involvement. Ciroc Vodka and P Diddy signed a deal of around $100 million and the company is now selling bottles at a rate of around $250 per litre.


George Clooney and his acting skills have always been the best as a result of which he has been a recipient of the AFI Lifetime Achievement Award. In the year 2013, he and his best friend Rande Garber founded a tequila company named Casamigos. It is now a very popular spirits companies in the United States. Casamigos was purchased by the multi-national company Diageo for around $1 billion in the year 2017.


Nicole Richie became famous after her appearance in the show "The Simple Life" which lasted for around five seasons and attracted tremendous viewership. She started her own custom jewelry in the year 2008 and sold it by changing its name to House of Harlow 1960. The brand includes women's footwear, clothing, fragrance, home décor, fragrance, and eyewear. The brand is also famous among big celebrities like Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, and Kim Kardashian-West.


Reese Witherspoon is popularly known as the rom-com queen by her fans and followers. She is known for her commendable performance in "Big Little Lies". She is the founder of production company Pacific Standard, which produced films like "Wild" and "Gone Girl" which were successful at the box office and were the recipients of three Academy Awards nominations.


All of us are familiar with the name Mark Wahlberg. He was able to gain a larger fan following after his appearance in the fourth and fifth installments of the "Transformers" film franchise. He founded the Wahlburgers, which is at present a very famous fast-food burger chain. The TV series, "Wahlburgers" said that they were inspired by this particular company for their show.


Jennifer Aniston has been on the list of the most famous actresses of Hollywood. She was able to achieve bigger success after portraying the role of Rachel in the famous American TV series "Friends". She has been an ambassador of the hair product line "Living Proof" from 2012 to 2016. Later on, the company was taken over by the conglomerate Unilever as a result of which, she stepped down as the co-owner of the company.

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