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A DUI Attorney’s approach to Charges involving Fatalities

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Home > lifestyle > A DUI Attorney’s approach to Charges involving Fatalities

When a traffic accident results in the death of a person, all those who survived experience strong emotions and reactions to the misfortune. A DUI conviction usually has substantial ramifications. However, the most severe punishments are intended for a DUI causing death.

Driving under the influence, injuries and incidents are second in seriousness in some countries. It usually does not matter if the victim was a rider, a driver in another vehicle, or a pedestrian: the inebriated driver is always to blame.

A driver who has excessive levels of alcohol or narcotics in their system conducts DUI causing fatality or harm according to NRS 484C.430. The law states, "If an individual fails to perform a legal obligation while in physical control of an automobile on or off the roadways of the State, the failure to perform the act nearly results in the death or significant bodily injury of another individual."

If you are charged with a DUI fatality under any laws, you will need a comprehensive representation from a DUI injury and fatality lawyer. They are skilled and qualified to address your lawsuit through all stages of the judicial proceedings.

What does DUI resulting in harm mean, according to Las Vegas Laws?

Harms due to driving under the influence occur when the driver:

  1. Is inebriated.
  2. Has a blood alcohol concentration of 0.8 or higher.
  3. Is proven to have elevated BAC levels within two hours behind the wheel.
  4. Is intoxicated by a prohibited drug or a mixture of liquor and a narcotic.
  5. Any chemical, toxin, or solvents, or a mixture of these, is inhaled, ingested, applied, or used to the point where the individual is rendered incompetent of driving securely.
  6. Has a psychoactive drug in their blood or urine in quantity equal to or higher than the level specified in NRS 484C.110 subsection 3 or 4.

In a nutshell, DUI with harm or death happens when someone is gravely injured or killed at the hands of a driver who is inebriated, high, or has illegal amounts of alcohol or narcotics in their blood. Fractures, stitched wounds, rhabdomyolysis, immobility, severe burns, long-term contusions, concussions, unconsciousness, long-term cosmetic impairment, and chronic discomfort are all instances of traumas that count as considerable bodily harm.

What is the Penalty for Violating NRS 484C.430?

It is a class B misdemeanor in Las Vegas to drive intoxicated and causes severe bodily damage or death to the victim. Penalties for a DUI resulting in death or injury encompass two to twenty years' imprisonment and liabilities starting from $2000 to $5000.

The driver can also face a three-year driver's license revocation. To regain driving privileges, you must use an ignition interlock device for 1 to 3 years.

When deciding the duration of the required criminal conviction and penalties, the courts will consider whether the offender was also carrying a kid under fifteen at the time in question. If the person has already been convicted of three DUIs, inflicting a tragic DUI is prosecuted as automotive homicide (NRS 484C.440).

This is a class A crime, punishable by up to life in prison. It is worth noting that the Nevada Department of Prisons seeks to keep those convicted of drunk driving separate from dangerous offenders and confine them in minimum-security prisons.

What is the most effective approach to combat the Charges?

To get a DUI conviction overturned, litigants charged with inflicting death or injury must use a two-pronged approach. They must first defend themselves against the charge. Second, they must counter the argument that they caused the injuries or death.

According to the proof, there are numerous strategies to challenge DUI charges. Here are five of the most common:

  1. The roadside sobriety test was administered erroneously by the police.
  2. The blood test was wrongly given or was flawed.
  3. The accused's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was lawful when they were driving, but it had risen to prohibited quantities when the cops took the blood sample.
  4. The accused had a condition called GERD, which led the breathalyzer to provide erroneously high BAC values.
  5. After they had ceased driving, the offender began drinking.

The most straightforward strategy to combat the claim that the offender caused the harm or death is to evaluate the data, which includes:

  1. Eyewitness accounts
  2. Mobile recordings of eyewitnesses
  3. Statements from law enforcement
  4. Surveillance footage
  5. GPS data
  6. Documentation of healthcare
  7. Expert witness statements on mishap reconstruction

Is it possible to minimize the charge?

If the charge cannot be dropped, it might still be possible to reduce it. This can be done by either demonstrating that the accused was not charged with DUI or the defendant's acts had no causal relationship to the victim's fatality.

If the prosecutor proves the DUI but cannot prove that the accused's drunken driving caused the fatality or harm, the charge can be reduced to a misdemeanor. A first or second DUI during a seven-year time frame is a misdemeanor. If an individual commits a third DUI within seven years, it is a felony even if no injuries are inflicted.

Will it have an impact on Visa Status?

DUI usually is not subject to deportation unless it involves narcotics, even if it is a conviction. There is, however, no certainty. As a result, all non-citizens pursuing criminal allegations should seek the services of an expert lawyer to try to get the case dismissed or lowered to a lesser punishment.

Is it possible to have your Criminal Background Sealed?

In Vegas, misdemeanor DUI accusations that are dismissed might be sealed straight away. A felony DUI charge, on the contrary, stays on the accused's criminal background permanently. This is why it is critical to have the case dismissed or downgraded to a sealable offense.


It is possible that another incident occurred before the collision, making it inevitable. In other circumstances, the motorist is partially to blame for the accident. It is also feasible to get the DUI part of the prosecution dismissed.

In this case, the accusations could be lowered to a lesser offense for which probation rather than incarceration is an option. Only the most professional and competent lawyers, backed by a fully committed legal team of accomplished DUI defense advocates, will be able to identify any potential arguments and strategies.

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