Some of the hilarious Tweets by Parents

By Qunki Team | funny

Parents know that their children are growing up and learning new things every day. They're learning to ride a bike, solve math problems, and they might even be trying their first beer. Even though we trust our kids to make good decisions, we still want to be involved and teach them how to do things right. But social media is making it difficult for parents to both protect and teach their children.

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Random Joke

A blonde stormed up to the front desk of the library

A blonde stormed up to the front desk of the library and with a screaming voice said, “I have a complaint!”

“How can i help you?” said the librarian looking up at her.

“I borrowed a book last week and it was horrible!”

Puzzled by her complain the librarian asked “What was wrong with it?”

“It had way too many characters and there was no plot!” said the blonde.

The librarian nodded and said, “Ahhh. So YOU must be the person who took our phone book."

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