Worst Facebook Posts You will Ever See

By Qunki Team | funny

It is no secret that Facebook has become an important place for people to stay up-to-date on what is happening in their lives. It has also become a place where they can post memes, photos, and short videos without any worries. Though sometimes these posts can be funny, others are downright hilarious. Without further ado, here are some of the most ridiculous posts on Facebook!

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Random Joke

A successful marriage :

A married couple never fought, not even once in 25 years of marriage.

A friend of the couple asked, "How is that even possible?"

Husband replied, "Well, we went to a ranch for our honeymoon. While horse riding, my wife's horse jumped and my wife fell off.

She got up and patted the horse and said "This is your first time."

After a while it happened again and she said, "This is your second time"

And when it happened the third time, she pulled out a gun and shot the horse.

I shouted at her and said, "Are you crazy?!? You killed the horse!!"

She gave me a look and said, "This is your first time."

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