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Women Reveal Why They Became Lesbians

by Qunki Team | relationship
Home > relationship > Women Reveal Why They Became Lesbians

We all are free and independent to take the decisions of our life. We all are now living in a modern world were not just technology, but even our mentality has changed to a great extent. But still, some things are not being accepted by the general public till now. One of them is lesbian relationships. Its the choice of a woman to become a lesbian but no one has tried to understand the reasons behind that. It's necessary to know everything before judging someone.

I became a lesbian because of child abuse and molestation when I was 5.
I found that I only became a lesbian because abuse that I faced growing up and I was able to go through therapy for that and realize that I didn’t want that I wanted a guy I just didn’t trust them.
I became a “lesbian” because men are pigs.
I became a lesbian because i have Pcos ....
I became a lesbian because I was done wrong by men
yep ! sexuality is fluid. i became a lesbian because of trauma linked to men
I know someone who sudden became a lesbian because it was a fad and now shes straight again
I became a lesbian because of women,because women are beautiful,strong and compassionate.
I know this girl she became a lesbian because she wasnt hot and didnt have a bf. She started to fool around my bff ( my bff is a lesbian) that girl is so fake it is like an insult to the LGBTQ.
I think I became a lesbian because I decided I would never be skinny or attractive enough for a man.. As a result Ive never really talked to men, even as friends.
I mean my friend told me that she became a lesbian because guys just never treated her right and has a girlfriend that shes been with for like 2 years so is she just like faking or...
i became a lesbian because of girls assesF
She became a lesbian because all the thugs were all over her all the time
I became a lesbian because of lesbian porn 😋GirlyGirl on GirlyGirl Action👭💦
I became a lesbian because of my bff... shes not one though
I became a lesbian because my man cheated on me.
I became a lesbian because my bf didnt propose
I became a lesbian because I was molested at a young age and it scared me away from guys but Im really straight.
Even though I was more attracted to men I became a lesbian because they always friend zoned me.
My sister was raped by my brother. She became a lesbian because of it, and I cant trust the love of my life. My heart goes out to you. Be strong.
I became a lesbian because no guys ever hit on me.
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