15 People Looking Insanely Photogenic In Awkward And Uncomfortable Situations

By Qunki Team | funny

Call it perfectly captured pictures on the lens or just plain Photoshop, but these photos look as if the people in them were posing just at the right moment.

1. Showers of blessing.

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Random Joke

A blonde walks into the police department

A blonde walks into the police department looking for a job. The officer wants to ask her a few questions...

Officer: What's 2+2?

Blonde: Ummmmm... 4!

Officer: What's the square root of 100?

Blonde: Ummmm... 10!

Officer: Good! Now, who killed Abraham Lincoln?

Blonde: Ummmm... I dunno.

Officer: Well, you can go home and think about it. Come back tomorrow.

The blonde goes home and calls up one of her friends, who asks her if she got the job. The blonde says, excitedly, "Not only did I get the job, I'm already working on a murder case!"

2. Hey guys! Check out my perfectly manicured nails.

3. Ma, look! I can jump.

4. Well, this model seems to have run the race to impress his Instagram followers.

5. Is it just us or the Eagle looks too big?

6. Hey photographer! Did you get this shot?

7. Fire in the mountain - time to pose lol!

8. Babe we are famous.

9. Get that shot dude!

10. I might as well go down posing. Howz my pout?

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