What Kind of Alcohol is Your Zodiac Sign?

By Qunki Team | astrology

11 Aquarius

Boxed wine is an ideal drink for Aquarius. Most hippies belong to Aquarius, and there is no doubt that boxed wine is their favorite. They don't judge everything seriously and just choose something to start their parties, and apparently, boxed wine is the first drink that comes to their minds.

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Random Joke

Once there was a magical mirror

Once there was a magical mirror.

When you told the thruth it gave you things, but if you lie to it, it makes you vanish forever.

One day three college girls went to the mirror.

The red head said "I think I'm the smartest one."

Then she got a diploma, scholarship, and got accepted into all the colleges in the world.

The brunette then said "I think I'm the prettiest one."

Then she got a Corvette, mansion, a good looking boyfriend , and a lot of money.

Then the blonde said " I think...*poof*"

Then she suddenly dissapearred forever

12 Pisces

Absinthe is the ideal choice for Pisces. Pisces are usually very creative, and similarly, absinthe is known to boost creativity.

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