What Kind Of Woman Are You According To The Month In Which You Are Born

By Qunki Team | lifestyle

11 November

Anyone born in this month is extremely well educated. They know how people act and can easily recognize any lies. Also, one should never mess with them, because they can see that coming a long time ago, and ultimately those people are the ones getting hurt, not them.

Article Continues after the joke

Random Joke

There was this guy who was married to a blonde

There was this guy who was married to a blonde, and each night he came home with a new blonde joke.

One night the wife got mad and decided to show him that she wasn't dumb.

She spent the whole next day learning all her states and capitals.

That night when he got home he told his joke.

She says, "I'm not so dumb. I know all of the states and capitals. Go ahead, quiz me."

He thought for a moment and asked, "What is the capital of Massachusetts?"

She quickly replied, "M"!

12 December

They are quite lucky but often impatient. Thanks to their fortunes, they can find their way out even in tricky situations. They are very good at socializing too. They often make great friends. Also, due to their luck, even if someone tries to hurt them, they are the ones who ultimately get hurt.

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