30 Entertaining Pictures of People Who are Real Freaks

The internet can be a wacky place and every day we find ourselves staring at numerous weird and tacky photos posted online. Some of them make us laugh hysterically while others can make us cringe. We have listed a few eclectic pictures that went viral because of their strange and madcap content, feel free to share and roll on your stomach make sure to catch your guts though! LOL!
1. Leaning Tower

Well the teacher seems to have taken inspiration from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, she definitely seems to be a fan of Michael Jackson and we feel she might break into an indefinite moon walk anytime soon.
2. Fly Cobra

We feel he thinks the king cobra will take flight or it is a kite. Either ways it is going to hiss back and bite. Sorry for the rhyme!
3. Behemoth Bag

Homeless doesn’t mean it comes without perks, this man seems to have packed his whole suitcase or rather we say wardrobe into that tiny backpack. Literally!
4. Piggy Chops

Piggy looks empty and the lady seems to be holding her feet against gravity or maybe she simply tired of those long heels.
5. Suck it up

This is what happens when you take a frustrated bf with you for shopping. He finally gets sucked up with your petty demands.
6. Goat-Man

This unicorn looks malnourished and resembles more like a goat; the horn does no justice either.
7. Sesame monster

She looks more like a pink monster, and people will not know where to stare first. You know what we mean.
8. Hip Hop disaster

He failed at all three dance, pose, and his body. He looks more like the monster from Stranger Things than a break dancer.
9. Blind on Streets

A VLC fan we suppose, but that’s not a cool hat we see. Why did Hogwarts leave their witch hat with him or did he make his own?
10. Black Friday

We never knew black Friday sales would be so crazy? This lady needs to chill, wait, she already is.
11. Batman in Town

We too need saving Sir Batman! Wait Batmobile needs fuel first. But didn’t he always step out at night.
12. Gra-bie

Looks like Gradma threw Grandpa out of the house for cross dressing! Or is Gradpa part of the new escort agency in town.
14. Wardrobe Malfunction

Can’t decide whether it’s the headgear or the costume that looks worst. Looks like they wanted to be a ferocious dinosaur or ended up being creepy ducks.
15. Pee Training

He is still training his dog to pee. We never knew winter layering would look so voguish.
17. Not getting over vacation

When you are back from a beach vacation and still think of chilling on a hammock.
21. Hanging out

When you want to hang out with your husband or wife without getting on each other’s neck.
22. Rough night

Looks like someone had a rough night or wife just woke him up in the middle of the night for a quick craving meal.
24. Mars Attack

Aliens from Mars Attack are here to ruin your day. Oh! wait these are actually helmets.
27. Total fail

Okay, if this was some sort of exorcism or Jeeper Creepers sequel then its a total fail.
28. Beauty tips

This hair clip salamander style looks totally creepy unless you are stepping out during Halloween.
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