Funny Starbucks Memes That Will Make Anyone Laugh

By Qunki Team | others

Crappy without coffee? Fret not Starbucks has the perfect solution for all your coffee woes. They love to keep you entertained, not just with misspelled names, but also with hilarious memes that you can easily relate to in everyday life. Have fun, and enjoy your strong black drink.

1. When someone brutally reminds you that the weekend is over.


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Random Joke

Little Johnny's neighbour had a baby but it was born without ears.

Little Johnny and his mum went to visit the baby but he was warned if he mentioned its ears he would be in trouble.

Johnny looked into the cot and said 'what a lovely baby, good feet hands and skin. How is his eyesight?'

The Baby's mother replied that it was perfect.

Jonny replied 'That's good cos he'd be fucked if he needed glasses!'

2. Coffee signboard look gibberish to your tastebuds.


3. Costliest sip of water ever!


4. When the sales guy messes with your brain.


5. Express Pug delivery.

6. The life graph of an insomniac.


7. Slurp of tongue!


8. Been so drunk that the Starbucks logo remind you of a scary movie.


9. When you got a Caff-ine deficiency.


10. All the hormones playing up at once.

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