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Artist Recreates Famous Cartoon Characters And The Result Is Fascinating.

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Home > hilarious > Artist Recreates Famous Cartoon Characters And The Result Is Fascinating.

When famous Disney female characters go a transformation from the famed American artist and illustrator Isabelle Staub they come alive on the paper. The way she re-creates their magic, innocence, and the charm is unbelievable. Given below are few of her famous illustrations of these beauties.

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1. Beautiful Chel from Road to El Dorado looks like an Egyptian princess with her chocolate skin and dark hair. Her feature looks more prominent and feminine.

isabelle stuab

2. Moana from the Disney movie looks the Hawaiian beauty from a stunning crystal island.

isabelle staub

3. Nani from Lilo & Stitch looks chic beauty with her nose not being so wide.

isabelle staub

4. Tiana from Princess and the Frog looks gorgeous African beauty. Her curls more alluring than the original.

isabelle staub

5. Esmeralda from Hunchback of Notre-Dame doesn’t look as witchy like the first illustration, she looks more like a desert rose in Isabella’s illustration.

isabelle staub

6. Mulan is a vision in her illustrations, her porcelain skin and figure and wide innocent eyes more outstanding.

isabelle staub

7. Daphne from Scooby Doo looks like exotic American vintage beauty.

isabelle stuab

8. Pochontas styled like a Goddess, her dark swaying hair and glowy skin look gorgeous.

isabelle staub

9. Atlantic the Lost Empire has a beauty in Kidagakash Nedakh, she looks like a mesmerizing water queen.

isabelle staub

10. Desertic Esmeralda again styled like a Sahara beauty.

isabelle stuab

11. The innocent house maid who became princess – Cindrella.

isabelle staub

12. Wicked Jessica Rabbit looks every bit the seductive vamp.

isabelle staub

13. Ariel, the Little Mermaid is made to shine in the ocean, her red hair and beautiful features look gorgeous through the eyes of the artist.

isabelle staub

14. Penny Proud the happy school girl look.

isabelle staub

15. Snow white looks chubby like a cherub in her illustration.

isabelle stuab

16. Meg from Hercules looks exotic with her brunette hair and olive skin.

isabelle staub

17. Buttercup, Blossom, Bubbles, and Bliss look like sexy versions of the Powerpuff girls. More like alien superheroes or avengers.

isabelle stuab

18. Bubbles, The Powerpuff Girls

isabelle stuab

19. Blossom, The Powerpuff Girls

isabelle staub

20. Bliss, The Powerpuff Girls

isabelle stuab

21. Anastasia looks like a modern day sorority beauty.

isabelle stuab

22. Kim possible has more of sexy Lara Croft vibes.

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23. Jasmine the exotic beauty from Aladdin.

isabelle stuab

24. Aurora, Sleeping Beauty is styled to appear in a deep sleep in all her splendour.

isabelle staub

25. Debbie is styled more like Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad.

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26. Belle, Beauty and the beast

isabelle stuab

27. Belle from Beauty and the Beast looks the typical village belle who has captured the prince’s heart.

isabelle stuab

28. Velma from Scooby Doo comes alive with her freckles and nerdy vibes.

isabelle stuab
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