40 Mind-blowing Pictures Of Actors Before and After Applying Makeup For Famous Roles

When we take a look at the acting world, we see a lot of actors getting into a different character and portraying that role with perfection. The acting is not the only skill that is required in the movie business. Makeup and prosthetics are the major elements of that world. Read our two cents on the stunning looks created by the pros of the makeup and prosthetic industry ranging from the avatar of voldemort in the Harry Potter series to Angelina Jolie walking the shoes of a man. Here is your chance to adhere the nitty grittier of the makeup and prosthetic world.
1. Ralph Fiennes - Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter Series)

2. Naomi Grossman - Pepper (American Horror Story Series)

3. Meryl Streep - Rabbi (Angels In America)

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4. Eddie Redmayne - Lili (The Danish Girl)

5. Robin Williams - Mrs. Doubtfire (Mrs. Doubtfire)

6. Heath Ledger - Joker (The Dark Knight)

7. Jacob Tremblay - Auggie (Wonder)

8. Richard Brake - The Night King (Game Of Thrones)

9. Eddie Murphy - Saul (Coming To America)

10. John Matuszak - Sloth (The Goonies)

11. Ryan Reynolds - Deadpool (Deadpool)

12. Tim Curry - Pennywise (It, 1990)

13. Charlize Theron - Aileen (Monster)

14. Tilda Swinton - Madame D. (The Grand Budapest Hotel)

15. Johnny Depp - James 'Whitey' Bulger (Black Mass)

16. Bill Skarsgård - Pennywise (It)

17. Emma Thompson - Nanny McPhee (Nanny McPhee And The Big Bang)

18. Helena Bonham Carter - Red Queen (Alice Through The Looking Glass)

19. John Travolta - Edna Turnblad (Hairspray)

20. Cate Blanchett - Bob Dylan (I'm Not There)

21. Ron Perlman - Hellboy (Hellboy)

22. Gary Oldman - Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula)

23. Gary Oldman - Mason Verger (Hannibal)

24. Robert Downey Jr - Kirk Lazarus (Tropic Thunder)

25. Daniel Radcliffe - Ig Perrish (Horns)

26. Doug Jones - Pale Man (Pan's Labyrinth)

27. Peter Mayhew - Chewbacca (Star Wars Series)

28. Jim Carrey - The Grinch (How The Grinch Stole Christmas)

29. Tim Curry - The Lord Of Darkness (Legend)

30. Daveigh Chase - Samara (The Ring )

31. Warwick Davis - Griphook (Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2)

32. Michael Keaton - Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice)

33. Glenn Close - Gutless (Hook)

34. Eric Stoltz - Rocky Dennis (Mask)

35. Anjelica Huston - Grand High Witch (The Witches)

36. Jered Leto - Old Nemo (Mr. Nobody)

37. Kae Alexander - Leaf (Game Of Thrones)

38. Dustin Hoffman - Dorothy Michaels (Tootsie)

39. Nicole Kidman - Virginia Woolf (The Hours)

40. Danny DeVito - Penguin (Batman Returns)

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