40 Mind-blowing Pictures Of Actors Before and After Applying Makeup For Famous Roles

By Qunki Team | celebrity and gossip

11. Ryan Reynolds - Deadpool (Deadpool)

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Random Joke

Little Johnny's neighbour had a baby but it was born without ears.

Little Johnny and his mum went to visit the baby but he was warned if he mentioned its ears he would be in trouble.

Johnny looked into the cot and said 'what a lovely baby, good feet hands and skin. How is his eyesight?'

The Baby's mother replied that it was perfect.

Jonny replied 'That's good cos he'd be fucked if he needed glasses!'

12. Tim Curry - Pennywise (It, 1990)

13. Charlize Theron - Aileen (Monster)

14. Tilda Swinton - Madame D. (The Grand Budapest Hotel)

15. Johnny Depp - James 'Whitey' Bulger (Black Mass)

16. Bill Skarsgård - Pennywise (It)

17. Emma Thompson - Nanny McPhee (Nanny McPhee And The Big Bang)

18. Helena Bonham Carter - Red Queen (Alice Through The Looking Glass)

19. John Travolta - Edna Turnblad (Hairspray)

20. Cate Blanchett - Bob Dylan (I'm Not There)

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