21 Food Tricks That Totally Change Everything

By Qunki Team | diy and lifehacks

11 Bored of regular round cakes? Make a swirl cake instead!

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Random Joke

Little Johnny's neighbour had a baby but it was born without ears.

Little Johnny and his mum went to visit the baby but he was warned if he mentioned its ears he would be in trouble.

Johnny looked into the cot and said 'what a lovely baby, good feet hands and skin. How is his eyesight?'

The Baby's mother replied that it was perfect.

Jonny replied 'That's good cos he'd be fucked if he needed glasses!'

12 Didn't know that

13 Difficult to cut corn? Use an electric knife to cut it easily and smoothly.

14 Isn't this the best bunger ever made?

15 The easiest trick no one seems to be following.

16 Love bacon? Try cinnamon rolls with Bacon! Not kidding.

17 Yeah. Use your fork.

18 The best way to eat with chopsticks (for non-Asians, of course)!

19 You always did it wrong.

20 Works on apples- will work on potatoes!

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