Most Embarrassing Photographs Ever From Prom

By Qunki Team | wtf

It is a dream of each and every individual to visit the prom at least once in their lives. They want to get dressed in the best possible manner for this particular day. Moreover, who does not like clicking wonderful photographs on this special occasion! But sometimes, the photos which are clicked on the prom tend to look very much embarrassing later on.

Given below is a list of certain embarrassing photos which were taken on the occasion of prom:

1. In this particular photo, the girl looks pretty in her pink dress but the boy standing beside her spoils the entire photo by posing like as if he is going to faint right there.

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Random Joke

An Italian guy is out picking up chicks in Roma.

An Italian guy is out picking up chicks in Roma.

While at his favorite bar, he manages to attract one rather attractive looking blonde.

So they’re back at his place, and sure enough, they go at it. After a long while…

He climaxes loudly.

Then he rolls over, lights up a cigarette and asks her, “So…. you finish?” After a slight pause.

She replies, “No.”

Surprised, but pleasantly, he puts out his cigarette, rolls back on top of her, and has his way with her again, this time lasting even longer than the first… and this time completing the deed with even louder shouts.

Again he rolls over, lights a cigarette, and asks, “So…. you finish?”

And again, after a short pause, she simply says “No.”

Stunned, but still acting reflexively on his macho pride, he once again puts out the cigarette, and mounts his companion du jour.

This time, with all the strength he could muster up, he barely manages to end the task, but he does, after quite some time and energy is spent.

Barely able to roll over, he reaches for his cigarette … lights it again, and

2. This photo looks very much embarrassing because of the way the boy is looking at the girl while posing for the photo.

3. The couple in this photo looks hilarious and funny because of the way in which they dressed themselves up for the prom which makes the photo seem to be embarrassing.

4. In this photo, the boy and the girl are posing along with a cat but the tiger skin hanging in the background makes the whole photo look embarrassing.

5. This particular couple wore map themed dresses to the prom which made them look hilarious in the photo.

6. The girl in this photo was completely unaware of the man standing behind her who also posed for the photo from inside the window.

7. In this particular photo, the girl looks amazing in her white dress but the boy is dressed in a very raunchy manner which makes the whole photo look embarrassing.

8. No one knows why the boy and the girl were hiding behind the bushes while posing for this photo. This really made the photo look embarrassing as well as hilarious.

9. The three girls decided to pose for the photo with some creatures on their hands which made the photo look embarrassing and weird too.

10. The girl in this photo looks really pretty but the boy’s dress takes away all the attention of the viewers because of the design of his cardigan.

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